Wednesday, 14 October 2009


OCTOBER 20, 2009
Lesson plant is needed to make teaching and learning process become smooth and assorted.Simulation and modeling students to understand certain concept easier.

OCTOBER 16, 2009
I presented my blog to Dr Sadiah . She commented and help us to improve our blogsite. She also gave one week for us to update our blog before evaluation.Lesson plant is needed to make teaching and learning process become smooth and assorted.Simulation and modeling students to understand certain concept easier.

, 2009
Blog presentation session. Some of us were presented their blog and commented by Dr Sadiah.


We were studied on spreadsheet and database. Then, we were taught on how to explore the spreadsheet using Microsoft excel and how to make lesson plan as a new task for us.
This lesson help us on planning the arrangement of lesson plan.The spreadsheet can help us in analyze the data of every experiment.

Dr. Sadiah taught us on Simulation and how to apply it at school. We have been given a new task that is we need to make lesson plan.

AUGUST 31, 2009
Independent Day! It's holiday.

AUGUST 27,2009
We need to do a research on Smart School Roadmap and Smart School Blueprint, and doing an essay. The essay have been submitted at the end of the class.

AUGUST 24,2009
Updating our own blog with some help of our lab demo.

AUGUST 20,2009
Our class was held at PTPM. Today, we have learnt on how to edit pictures using picasa. From today's class, we were able to crop a picture in a right way, how to make a picture video and collage, edit the picture color, and many more. No task for today's class.

AUGUST 17,2009
Dr. Sadiah handled the class for today. She has taught us about blogging. A new task for today is that we have to create our own blog.

AUGUST 10, 2009
Every group presented their works using Smart board software to MisS Siti.She commented on each group and help us in improving our work.

JULY 27, 2009
We discussed about the importance of ICT in teaching and learning. As an assignment, we were asked to write an essay about the topic. After that, the essay was sumbitted through forum in MyGuru.
As a student and also a future teacher, i found that there are many uses of ICT and the application should be explored. Blogging activity is one application in ICT that can be the medium for conveying information and also help me to keep in touch with the viewers. Blog also can be used by teacher to give some useful information for their students.

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